A New Path for Violin…

So this year the music program at OSC is finally being launched properly.  There is an official proper teacher now who seems to be doing a lot to get different activities started up in this school; there was already a survey being sent around school on the first day back.  Through this the new teacher was able to see that I have been playing the violin and have a several years of experience.  Fortunately, she’s hoping to start a String Ensemble and perform some time in December.  This sounds pretty exciting because other than the Junior Symphony Orchestra that I previously did a few years ago, I haven’t done anything where I played with other musicians; which actually requires a lot of skill in listening in on what others are playing and matching up to it (work collaboratively with others).  Of course the skills will probably vary among the group but I think that this will be one step into trying to overcome my fear of performing in front of people (undertake new challenges).  Though I have never been sure about performing in school, since it’s my last year I guess it’s worth it to try something different and new.

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